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English Tip

When dealing with outlanders there may occur some misunderstandings. If you are planning on going on a business trip abroad, make sure you understand their habits.

Pierwsza pomoc

Czy są ranni? Are there any injured?
Czy są zabici? Are there any casualties?
Czy jest przytomny? Is he conscious?
Stan chorego jest .... the condition of the injured person is ...
Jest nieprzytomny. He is unconscious.
Jest w ciężkim stanie. He is in a serious condition.
Jest w szoku. He is in a shock.
Ma wstrząs mózgu. He has a concussion.
Trzeba zabrać rannego do szpitala. He has to be taken to the hospital.
jak najszybciej ... as soon as possible
natychmiastowa pomoc ... immediate help
Jego tętno jest nieregularne. His pulse is allorhythmic.
Jego tętno jest niewyczuwalne. His pulse is insensible.
Czy została udzielona pieerwsza pomoc? Has first aid been applied?
Czy czujesz ból w .... ? Do you feel pain in ...?

Dodano: 2009-01-23
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