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English Tip

Organize a local party in order to get employee referrals. During the party set up banners visible to everyone and emphasize your involvement.

Pytania na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej w branży ekonomicznej

Tell me about a recent financial strategy that you researched and developed as a banker. How did you go about it? Was it successful in achieving its objectives?

Tell me about the most client you have had to deal with? Why were they so difficult? How did you handle them?

Tell me about a successful banking negotiation that you lead. What were the main factors in your success?

How do you keep up to date with recent developments in banking.

Tell me about an opportunity you foresaw in the market as a banker for a new product or for an adaptation of an existing product.

Describe a decision you had to make on your own? Were you happy with your decision making process?

How do you manage your time in a project when the project has a tight deadline? Give an example to illustrate your point.

Tell me about the last technical report you wrote and presented to senior management

więcej na: http://www.job-interview-questions.com/list.htm

Dodano: 2010-05-22
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