Oferta reklamy

Szukasz klientów / pracowników? Nasza oferta na pewno Cię zainteresuje. Przeczytaj o naszym portalu i zareklamuj swoją firmę u nas. więcej »

English Tip

Retraining your employees is a big deal. Think in a strategic way and try to understand what your employees really need to know to avoid unnecessary skills.

After the government’s intervention zloty going up

According to Polish Prime Minister’s announcements, the government intervened on currencies’ market on Wednesday.

According to Polish Prime Minister’s announcements, the government intervened on currencies’ market on Wednesday. After it as the zloty got more expensive and approached to 5 zlotys for euro, our government decided to sell those second one coming from union funds. The intervention caused that our currency consolidated to about 16 groszes in relation to euro. Is the strengthening going to keep further or is it just a temporary state? Probably it will turn out in next future…

after it as - po tym jak
currencies’ market- rynek walut
union funds- fundusze unijne
consolidate- wzmacniać
grosz- grosz
strengthening- umocnienie

Dodano: 2009-02-19
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