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Obama in Europe- is there going to be a meeting with Polish politicians?

American leader set out on a journey over Europe. The trip is going to last the whole week and include 5 countries: The Great Britain, Germany, France, Czech Republic and Turkey.

American leader set out on a journey over Europe. The trip is going to last the whole week and include 5 countries: The Great Britain, Germany, France, Czech Republic and Turkey. The President is going to meet not only with European politicians- there is also planned a meeting with leaders of India, China, South Korea and Russia. What is more, also Polish leaders want to meet with Obama. Both Prime Minister and President are going for the UE-USA assembly in Prague and expect contact with the American President.

set out on a journey - wyruszyć w podróż
assembly - zebranie
expect- liczyć na

Dodano: 2009-03-31
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