Oferta reklamy

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English Tip

In cases of crisis, it's a good idea to have already set plan. Be sure you can answer you employees what to do next.

False bankers cheated the borrowers on 100 thousand dollars

The spectacular scam took place between the boundaries of Uganda and Kenya where false businessmen set up a bank that had no legal validity to carry out any transactions.

The spectacular scam took place between the boundaries of Uganda and Kenya where false businessmen set up a bank that had no legal validity to carry out any transactions. The deceivers gathered about 100 thousand of deposits and after that they vanished into thin air. Among their dupes are mostly farmers and clerks who demand some intervention on the part of authorities.

banker - bankier
scam - przekręt
legal validity - moc prawna
deceiver - oszust
deposit - depozyt
vanish into thin air - rozpłynąć się w powietrzu
dupe - ofiara (oszustwa)

Dodano: 2009-07-28
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