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English Tip

Sending non-official mails to your employer doesn't mean you have to be long. Short and concrete communication makes business dynamic.


Why business English?

A short article concerning a specific market niche. How about learning business English? What profits could one get from the proficiency in the matter?

The Hellraiser series review

A short review for the Hellraiser, a horror genre cinema series. Discover grim secrets of cenobites, gory vistas and weird tales written originally by Clive Barker.
A free-to-use article about the Hellraiser.


Play your favorite sport via Internet. Discover a new branch of sport disciplines played in the net. Learn about e-sports, what is it and why so many people are interested in gaming on-line.
A free-to-use article about e-sports.

Technology in teacher's life

A short essay about technology in schools and how one may take advantage of it

Role-playing method

An RPG method which focuses on speaking and integration. A weird one. Try it, though.
Nauka angielskiego online

Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski specjalistyczny

Ucz się z lektorem na żywo
Angielski przez skype


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    Christmas is usually a very busy time of year and for most businesses it is very important to get everything organised in advance in order to ensure that everything goes without a hitch.

  • Polscy prawnicy otwierają kancelarie na zachodzie.

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