General English
Najczęściej oglądane
- Alfabet angielski z wymową
- Kiedy "Yours faithfully" i kiedy "Yours sincerely"?
- Wyrażenia dla kelnerów/kelnerek
- Angielski na recepcji – formuły konwersacyjne
- 6 najlepszych stron, dzięki którym poćwiczysz mówienie po angielsku.
- Jak napisać dobry list motywacyjny w języku angielskim?
- Zaimki wskazujące (this, that, these, those)
- Najczęsciej używane idiomy angielskie
- Klauzula o ochronie danych osobowych po angielsku
- Jak napisać krótki e-mail z zapytaniem o pracę.
Oferta reklamy
English Tip
Accountancy terms
Assets | Aktywa |
Auditor's Report | Sprawozdanie Audytora |
Balance sheet | Bilans |
Bank Loans | Kredyty bankowe |
Bill | Rachunek |
Bills of Exchange | Weksle |
Bonds | Obligacje |
Book value | Wartość księgowa |
Buildings and constructions | Budynki i budowie |
Capital Reserve | Kapitał (fundusz) zapasowy |
Cash | Gotówka |
Cash flow | Przepływ gotówki |
Chairman's Statement and Review of Activities | Sprawozdanie Prezesa |
Claims | Roszczenia |
Costs of Development Activities | Koszty prac rozwojowych |
Created by law | Tworzony ustawowo |
Current assets | Majątek obrotowy |
Current marketable securities | Papiery wartościowe przeznaczone do obrotu |
Financial fixed assets | Finansowy majątek trwały |
Financial Statements | Sprawozdania finansowe |
Finished products | Produkty gotowe |
Fixed assets | Majątek trwały |
Inventory / Inventories | Zapasy |
Invoice | Faktura |
Liabilities | Zobowiązania |
Long / Term Loans | Dtugoterminowe pożyczki |
Loss (negative value) | Strata (wielkosć ujemna) |
Materials | Materiały |
Net Loss (negative value) | Strata netto (wielkość ujemna) |
Net profit (loss) | Zysk (strata) netto |
Net Profit (positive value) | Zysk netto (wielkość dodatnia) |
Owners equity | Kapitał / Fundusz Własny |
Profit (positive value) | Zysk (wielkosć dodatnia) |
Profit and loss account | Rozliczenie zysków i strat |
Pro-forma Invoice | Faktura pro forma |
Provisions | Rezerwy |
Provisions on Income taxes | Rezerwy na podatek dochodowy |
Receipt | Kwitek / Pokwitowanie |
Receivables and Claims | Należności i roszczenia |
Reserve capital | Kapitał zapasowy |
Securities | Papiery wartościowe |
Share capital | Kapitał akcyjny |
Shareholders' Equity And Liabilities | Pasywa |
Shareholders'Equity | Kapifał własny |
Shares | Udziały i akcje |
Social security | Ubezpieczenie społeczne |
Special Funds | Fundusze specjalne |
Taxes | Podatki |
Taxation | Opodatkowanie, |
Transportation | Środki transportu |
Business Glossary
absent away | not at work /nieobecny/ |
access | we can get it /dostęp/ |
accommodation | a place to stay /zakwaterowanie/ |
an account | a record of the money /rachunek, obliczenie/ |
to achieve | to be successful, to reach an objective or goal /osiągnąć, |
an advantage | a good point, a strength /zaleta, silna strona/ |
an advertisement | publicity designed to sell a product or service /reklama/ |
to advertise | reklamować (w praise lub na billboardach) |
an affiliate | a company connected to a larger company /firma stoważyszona/ |
an agenda | a list of things to discuss /porządek dnia, obrad/ |
an agent | a person or company that represents the interests /agent/ |
to apply | to ask for something, officially /składać podanie/ |
to appoint | to choose somebody for a job /wyznaczać/ |
an appointment | spotkanie |
to attract | to create interest /przyciągać/ |
a benefit | an advantage /korzyść/ |
a board (board of directors) | /zarząd/ |
a bonus | an extra sum of money /dodatek/ |
a brand | a particular make of goods /gatunek, wyrób/ |
a branch | an office or shop connected to a larger company /filia/ |
to bribe | to offer an illegal commission /dawać łapówkę/ |
a bribe | /łapówka/ |
to brief | to inform /poinformować/ |
a brochure | a small book with pictures /broszura/ |
a campaign | a plan to do a number of things /kampania/ |
to cancel | to stop /odwołać np. spotkanie/ |
capital | money used to start a business /kapitał/ |
capital expenditure | money spent on buildings, equipment /wydatki/ |
cash | money that is ready to spend /gotówka/ |
cash flow | the movement of cash in and out of a business /przepływ gotówki/ |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer /dyrektor naczelny/ |
a chairman | the person who controls a meeting /prezes/ |
charity | an organization that helps people /organizacja harytatywna/ |
colleagues | people who work together/koledzy z pracy/ |
a commercial | a TV advertisement /reklama telewizyjna/ |
competition | /konkurencja/ |
competitive | /konkurencyjny, np. ceny/ |
a credit | a payment made into an account /płatność na konto/ |
a currency | the money system of a country /waluta/ |
a curriculum vitae | a career resume /życiorys zawodowy/ |
data | information /dane/ |
a deadline | a time or date before which something must be done /ostatni termin/ |
a debt | money one has borrowed /dług/ |
debtors | people or companies that owe money /dłużnicy/ |
demand | how much customers want goods /popyt/ |
a discount | a price reduction /obniżka ceny/ |
to dismiss | to stop employing someone, to sack or fire /zwolnić kogoś/ |
domestic | business inside your own country /krajowy/ |
a donation | an amount of money given /darowizna/ |
due | expected /oczekiwany, należny, mający nastąpić/ |
duty | tax paid when importing goods /podatek importowy/ |
earnings | /zarobki, zyski/ |
economical | saving money /oszczędny/ |
an economy | a country's finances, trade, industry /gospodarka/ |
efficient | working well and quickly /efektywny/ |
efficiency | /efektywność/ |
to employ | to give work to someone /zatrudniać kogoś/ |
employer | the company /pracodawca/ |
employee | the worker /pracobiorca, pracownik/ |
employment and unemployment | /zatrudnienie i bezrobocie/ |
to enclose | to put something in an envelope /załączyć coś do np. listu/ |
enhanced | made better, improved /poprawiony, uwydatniony/ |
to enquire | to ask questions to get information /zapytywać o informacje/ |
enquiry | /zapytanie/ |
to establish | to set up, to begin; or to find out, /ustanowić, ustalić, założyć/ |
an estimate | a judgement about the cost of something /szacunek/ |
to estimate | /oszacować/ |
to exceed | to be more than, to go above /przekroczyć/ |
expenses | money spent for a particular purpose /wydatki/ |
facilities | rooms, equipment or services /urządzenia, udogodnienia/ |
a fault | a defect or mistake /wada, usterka/ |
faulty | /wadliwy/ |
a feasibility study | a study to see if something is possible /stadium wykonalności/ |
a feature | an important part of something /cecha/ |
to fire | to sack, to dismiss, to stop employing someone /zwolnić z pracy/ |
a forwarding company | transporting goods /firma przesyłkowa/ |
a fraud | a crime where money is obtained /defraudacja, oszustwo pieniężne/ |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product /Produkt Krajowy Brutto/ |
a goal | a purpose, aim or objective /cel/ |
grateful | thankful /wdzięczny/ |
gross | before anything is taken away /brutto/ w przeciwieństwie net=/netto/ |
a guarantee | a promise to repair or replace a product /gwarancja/ |
headquarters | (HQ) the main office of a company /kwatera lub siedziba główna/ |
to hire | to use something for a short time /wynająć/ |
to implement | to start using a plan or system /wdrożyć/ |
implementation | /wdrożenie/ |
to improve | to make better, get better /udoskonalić/ |
improvement | /udoskonalenie/ |
an incentive | something (e.g. money) that encourages people /bodzieć/ |
interest | money charged (e.g., by a bank) for borrowing money /oprocentowanie/ |
inventory | stocks of goods /skład, magazyn/ |
an invoice | a list of goods sold, with a request for payment /faktura/ |
to invoice | /fakturować/ |
an item | a subject, a thing /pozycja w spisie, rzecz/ |
a joint venture | a co-operative operation /przedsięwzięcie łączone/ |
to launch | to introduce a product to a market /wprowadzać, wypuszczać product/ |
to lease | to rent or hire /dzierżawić/ |
a lease | the written agreement to lease /dzierżawa/ |
a loss | the money lost by a business /strata/ |
maintenance | /utrzymanie (ruchu)/ |
to manufacture | to produce, in large quantities with machinery /produkować/ |
a margin | the amount of profit /część zysków/ |
mass production | production in large quantities /produkcja masowa/ |
MBA | Master of Business Administration. |
to merge | to join together /połączyć/ |
a merger | /połączenie firm/ |
a multinational | a company with operations in many countries /firma międzynarodowa/ |
to negotiate | to bargain, to reach an agreement by discussion /negocjować/ |
net | after everything is taken away /netto/ |
a network | a group of people or machines /sieć, zespół/ |
an objective | a target or goal /cel/ |
an occupation | a person's job /zajęcie, zawód/ |
output | the amount that a person, machine or factory produces /produkcja/ |
to outsource | (contract work out) to pay another company to supply services /wynajmować firmy/ |
overheads | money a company spends on things like pay, electricity, rent /koszty ogólne/ |
overseas | /zagraniczny/ |
to owe | to be in debt /być dłużnym/ |
to own | to possess, to have something as one's property /posiadać/ |
owner | /właściciel/ |
ownership | /posiadanie/ |
to pack | to put in boxes or containers /pakować/ |
plant | a factory /zakład/ |
a policy | usual rules for doing things /polityka działania/ |
to postpone | to delay, to put something off /przełożyć na później/ |
premises | buildings, offices, property /budynki firmy/ |
product manager | the person responsible for the production and marketing of a |
product /menedżer produktu/ | |
a profit | the money made by a business /zysk/ |
account | a company's trading figures /rozliczenie, konto/ |
to promote | to give someone a more important job /promować/ |
to provide | to offer, to give /dać, dostarczyć/ |
public relations | the work of distributing information to give a good impression |
of an organization. Abbreviation: PR | |
to purchase | to buy /kupowac/ |
qualified | having the right education /wykwalifikowany/ |
qualification (s) | /kwalifikacje/ |
to quote | to give an estimate of the cost /podać orientacyjny koszt/ |
a quotation | /wyciąg z cennika/ |
a rate | how fast something happens /szybkość zmian/ |
a receipt | a document showing you have paid for something /kwitek/ |
to recover | to get better /wyzdrowieć, dość do siebie/ |
to recruit | to employ or take on new staff /rekrutować/ |
recruitment | /rekrutacja/ |
redundant | no longer needed, dismissed /bezrobotny, niepotrzebny/ |
redundancy | /bezrobocie/ |
reference | /referencje/ |
to refund | to pay back money spent /refundować/ |
to reject | to say 'No' to a proposal, idea /odrzucać/ |
reliable | consistently good in quality or performance or work /niezawodny/ |
a reservation | a booking /rezerwacja/ |
to resign | to give up or leave a job /rzucić pracę/ |
a retail outlet | a place where goods are sold /kiosk, sklep/ |
retailing | selling to the public /sprzedaż detaliczna/ |
a retailer | a person or company /sprzedawca detaliczny/ |
the Retail Price Index | an index to measure inflation (RPI) |
to retire | to stop working /iść na emeryturę/ |
a return profit | earnings on an investment /zwrot z inwestycji/ |
to sack | to dismiss, to fire, to stop employing someone /zwolnić z pracy/ |
a salary | a payment for doing a job /płaca/ |
a sales prospect | a possible customer /potencjalny klijent/ |
a sales representative | a person who sells products /przedstawiciel sprzedaży/ (a sales rep) |
a schedule | a timetable /harmonogram/ |
to schedule | /sporządzić harmonogram/ |
a share | a part, a fraction /udział (w firmie)/ |
a shareholder | a person who owns shares /udziałowiec/ |
to ship | to transport, by sea or air /transportować/ |
shipment | the goods being transported /towary transportowane/ |
a shortage | not enough of something /niedobór/ |
to sign | to write one's name /podpisać/ |
a skill | an ability to do a job well /umiejętność/ |
sound | secure, certain, steady /zdrowy, bezpieczny, w dobrym stanie/ |
specifications | details and instructions /specyfikacje/ |
stock | goods in storage waiting to be sold /skład towarów/ |
a strategy | a plan you use /strategia/ |
a strike | the organized stopping of work /strajk/ |
a subsidiary | a /przedsiębiorstwo podległe/ |
to supply | to provide customers with goods /dostarczać towary/ |
switchboard | where telephone calls are connected /centralka telefoniczna/ |
to take over | to take control of a company /przejąć firmę/ |
a takeover | /przejęcie firmy/ |
a target | a result one wants, a goal or objective /cel, oczekiwany wynik/ |
a task | a job, a piece of work /zadanie/ |
trade | buying and selling /handel/ |
balance | the difference in value /bilans/ |
to train | to teach somebody how to do a particular job /szkolić/ |
training | /szkolenie/ |
turnover | the total sales of a company /obroty firmy/ |
staff turnover | the rate of staff leaving and joining a company /rotacja kadry/ |
urgent | needing immediate attention /pilny/ |
a volunteer | a person who asks or offers to do a job /wolontariusz/ |
a wage | a payment for doing a job /płaca pracowników fizycznych/ |
a warehouse | a large building where goods are stored /magazyn/ |
wholesaler | buys and sells in large quantities /hurtownik/ |
wholesale | /sprzedaż hurtowa/ |
Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski Biznesowy, Konwersacje po angielsku, General English, Immersja językowa
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Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski specjalistyczny
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