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Examine your advertising brochures and leaflets thoroughly. Use any available trick to get attention of your customers and develop your own advertising marks and methods.

Polish zloty going down and down- does the government going to intervene?

Yes, but only if euro reach the sum of 5 zlotys- such statement announced Polish prime minister on last Tuesday. Such unexpected declaration is the result of the fact that zloty is more and more going down.

Yes, but only if euro reach the sum of 5 zlotys- such statement announced Polish prime minister on last Tuesday. Such unexpected declaration is the result of the fact that zloty is more and more going down. On Tuesday for dollar we paid almost 5 zlotys and for euro- almost 5. Such attitude approved also Polish president. In addition, Lech Kaczyński is going to convene a summit meeting where he would like to talk with members of labor unions, economists, employers and members of government about the crisis.

convene- zwoływać
summit meeting- spotkanie na szczycie

Dodano: 2009-02-17
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