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English Tip

Don't be afraid to praise your employees. They want to be spotted and recognized by their job. Concentrate on your job, but don't forget to be polite.

Reading in My Mind III edycja konkursu dla gimnazjalistów

Zapraszamy uczniów gimnazjów do wzięcia udziału w III edycji konkursu Reading in My Mind.

Zasady konkursu

Napisz opowiadanie, które kończy się poniższym cytatem:

"... She thought about being on the top of the Big Wheel, and then about Chapman who had double crossed* her and almost killed her. Then she smiled and said: "You know, ever since this business started I've felt like I've been standing on the wing of a plane".
(fragment z ksiażki Double Cross, autor Philip Prowse, poziom intermediate, seria Cambridge English Readers)

Termin nadsyłania prac: 31.05.2009

Ogłoszenie wyników nastapi: 08.06.2009

więcej na www.cambridge.org

Dodano: 2009-04-05
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