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English Tip

Setting up a new business consider local situation. If you are able to match up with customers' moods, consider cooperating with other retailers. Not always competition is a good choose.

Strona bierna

Stronę bierną stosuje się wtedy, gdy interesuje nas czynność, bardziej niż osoba. Ponadto stronę bierną często stosuję się w przemówieniach politycznych, artykułach, wiadomościach.

Stronę bierną stosuje się wtedy, gdy interesuje nas czynność, bardziej niż osoba. Ponadto stronę bierną często stosuję się w przemówieniach politycznych, artykułach, wiadomościach. Orzeczenie w stronie bierniej składa się z czasownika to be i III formy czasownika głównego.

1. The passive: Present Simple

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We clean our school.Our school is cleaned.
Kamil writes books.Books are written by Kamil.

2. The passive: Present Continuous

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We are cleaning our school.Our school is being cleaned.
Kamil is writing books.Books are being written by Kamil.

3. The passive: Past Simple

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We cleaned our school.Our school was cleaned.
Kamil wrote books.Books were written by Kamil.

4. The passive: Past Continuous

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We were cleaning our school. Our school was being cleaned.
Kamil was writing books.Books were being written by Kamil.

5. The passive: Present Perfect

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We have cleaned our school.Our school has been cleaned.
Kamil has written books.Books have been written by Kamil.

6. The passive: Past Perfect

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We had cleaned our school.Our school had been cleaned.
Kamil had written books.Books had been written by Kamil.

7. The passive: Future Simple

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We will clean our school.Our school will be cleaned.
Kamil will write books.Books will be written by Kamil.

8. The passive: can/could

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We can clean our school.Our school can be cleaned.
Kamil can write books.Books can be written by Kamil.

9. The passive: should

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We should clean our school.Our school should be cleaned.
Kamil should write books.Books should be written by Kamil.

10. The passive: have/has to

Strona czynnaStrona bierna
We have to clean our school.Our school has to be cleaned.
Kamil has to write books.Books have to be written by Kamil.

Dodano: 2008-11-30
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