General English
Najczęściej oglądane
- Alfabet angielski z wymową
- Kiedy "Yours faithfully" i kiedy "Yours sincerely"?
- Wyrażenia dla kelnerów/kelnerek
- Angielski na recepcji – formuły konwersacyjne
- 6 najlepszych stron, dzięki którym poćwiczysz mówienie po angielsku.
- Jak napisać dobry list motywacyjny w języku angielskim?
- Zaimki wskazujące (this, that, these, those)
- Najczęsciej używane idiomy angielskie
- Klauzula o ochronie danych osobowych po angielsku
- Jak napisać krótki e-mail z zapytaniem o pracę.
Oferta reklamy
English Tip
Writing business letter
- Dear Mr Hill
- Dear Ms Ender
- Dear Sir
- Dear Sirs
- Dear Madam
- Dear Sir or Madam
- I am writing to inform you that ... / to tell you about ...
to confirm ...
to request ...
to enquire about ...
- I am contacting you for the following reason.
- I received your address from ... and would like to ...
- Having seen your advertisement in ... , I would like to ...
- I recently read/heard about . . . and would like to know . . .
Odnosimy się do ostatniego listu/spotkania …
- Thank you for your letter of September 25 ...
- Thank you for contacting me/us.
- Thank you for your letter regarding ...
- It was a pleasure meeting you in London last week.
- I enjoyed having lunch with you last month in London.
- I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed on Tuesday . . .
- With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday ...
- In reply to your request ...
Składamy prośbę
- We would appreciate it if you would ...
- I would be grateful if you could...
- Could you please send me . . .
- Could you possibly tell us/let us have...
- In addition, I would like to receive ...
- It would be helpful if you could send us ...
- I am interested in (obtaining/receiving...)
- I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
- Please let me know what action you propose to take.
Oferujemy pomoc
- Would you like me/us to ...
- We are willing to ...
- Our company would be pleased to ...
- We would be happy to ...
Przekazujemy dobre wiadomości
- We are pleased to announce that ...
- I am delighted to inform you that ...
Przekazujemy złe wiadmości
- We regret to inform you that ...
- Unfortunately we cannot/we are unable to ...
- After careful consideration we have decided not to ...
- I am writing to complain about ...
- We regret to inform you that ...
- I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...
- I would like to apologize for ...
- Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience.
- We are sorry for the delay in replying ...
- We are pleased to place an order with your company for ...
- We would like to cancel our order n°...
- I am pleased to acknowledge receipt of your order n°...
- Your order will be processed as quickly as possible.
- Unfortunately these articles are no longer available/are out of stock.
- We can guarantee delivery before ...
- Please confirm receipt of our order.
- Please send us your price list.
- Please send payment as soon as possible.
- Our records show that we have not yet received payment of ...
- You will find enclosed our most recent catalogue and price list.
- Our terms of payment are as follows : ...
Załączanie dokumentów
- I am enclosing ...
- You will find enclosed ...
- Please find enclosed ...
Uwagi końcowe
- If we can be of any further assistance, please let me/us know.
- If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me/us.
- If you require more information ...
- For further details ...
- Thank you for your help.
- We hope you are happy with this arrangement.
- We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
- We would be (very) pleased to do business with your company.
- I would be happy to have an opportunity to work with your firm.
- I look forward to seeing you next week.
- Looking forward to hearing from you
- I look forward to meeting you.
- I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
I jeszcze dopisujemy na sam koniec …
- Sincerely, }
- Yours sincerely, } (w korespondencji z klientami; formalnie)
- Sincerely yours, }
- Regards, (piszemy jeśli znamy kogoś bardzo dobrze i jesteśmy z nim w koleżeńskich kontaktach; nieformalnie)
Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski Biznesowy, Konwersacje po angielsku, General English, Immersja językowa
Ucz się z lektorem na żywo
Angielski przez skype
Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski specjalistyczny
Ucz się z lektorem na żywo
Angielski przez skype
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