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English Tip

If you can train your employee appropriately, never hire a new worker. It's cheaper to have less workers who are more educated.


Teaching children English - evaluation

In November 2008 I had a practice in teaching English at primary school. Children were at the age of 9-12. Each student had different personality and individual needs but almost all had the same interests. While teaching them I tried to make my lessons full of music and games, allowing the children to get pleasure from learning. To evaluate my work I would like to focus myself on characterising the personality, way of learning and the behaviour of children I was teaching.

English writers

Poznaj sylwetki i utwory angielskich pisarzy
Nauka angielskiego online

Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski specjalistyczny

Ucz się z lektorem na żywo
Angielski przez skype


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