Oferta reklamy

Szukasz klientów / pracowników? Nasza oferta na pewno Cię zainteresuje. Przeczytaj o naszym portalu i zareklamuj swoją firmę u nas. więcej »

English Tip

Never show anger or disappointment if got fired. It's a tough moment also for your employer who can spread information about you in the market.

Pytania na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej w księgowości

What accounting and tax software packages are you most familiar with.

Can you describe a typical day in your present job?

Describe the procedures you have for evaluating financial reports and proposals.

In which accounting and tax areas do you consider yourself to be a specialist.

How do you keep up to date with recent developments in your field.

Tell me about a time when you had to present to senior management a plan of action to solve a difficult financial problem?

więcej na: http://www.job-interview-questions.com/list.htm

Dodano: 2010-05-22
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