Oferta reklamy

Szukasz klientów / pracowników? Nasza oferta na pewno Cię zainteresuje. Przeczytaj o naszym portalu i zareklamuj swoją firmę u nas. więcej »

English Tip

When training employees, put yourself in their situation. Think about how they feel and what they really need to solve. This will result in better relationships between team.

Radzenie sobie z reklamacjami

Dealing with complaints

What seems to be the problem?

What happened exactly?

I`m sorry to hear you were not satisfied with the service.

I`m afraid it`s not our policy to ...

I understand you`re upset, sir.

I must apologise for the treatment you received.

I`m just trying to understand the problem.

How were you using the ...?

Did you read the instructions that came with the ...?

I promise you I`ll ...

I apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you.

We`re sorry that you`ve had a problem with this product.

We`ll do our best to get your ... (product) working as soon as possible.

Dodano: 2008-11-30
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