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English Tip

Make new hires noticeable, e. g. put a phrase “NEW HIRES” on your visiting card or place magnetic signs on your vans.

How to give a good presentation

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  • Welcome to Tokyo - Welcome to a New World

    Tokyo is not a city for the hurried tourist making a quick stopover en route to other destinations in Japan. Tokyo comes as a real surprise to most travelers. Much more than a city, it is a completely different world. When visitors to Japan first arrive at Narita International Airport, they...

  • How to Become an Engineer

    Engineering is a profession that covers a wide variety of disciplines. The tasks and studies of the various fields of engineering are vastly different, though each require problem solving through the use of mathematical and scientific principles.

  • Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents - discuss

    Every year hundreds of people die in car accidents as a result of bad driving. It is estimated that throughout the world, at least half a million people are killed and about 15 million injured on the roads each year.