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Examine your advertising brochures and leaflets thoroughly. Use any available trick to get attention of your customers and develop your own advertising marks and methods.

Resolution related to housing cooperatives against the Constitution

Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled that resolution related to housing cooperatives is against the Constitution.

Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled that resolution related to housing cooperatives is against the Constitution. The point of this resolution was that the tenants that inhabitated their apartments from lots of years were able to buy condominium houses and become the owners for a low, symbolic cash - One Polish Zloty. After the Tribunal verdict that judged the resolution violates the justice and property principal, the housing cooperatives that had lost millions of zlotys want huge damages. If this action succeeds, the public purse will have to pay all those millions what means all Polish citizens will be obligated to this. The politicians announce the amendments to this decision.

constitutional tribunal - trybunał konstytucyjny
rule – rządzić, kierować
resolution – uchwała, postanowienie
tenant - dzierżawca, najemca, lokator
condominium – mieszkanie własnościowe, mieszkanie (w bloku)
property – nieruchomość, własność, mienie
cooperative – spółdzielnia
damage – odszkodowanie
the public purse – kieszeń, kasa państwowa
amendment – poprawka, nowelizacja

Agnieszka Kosydar

Dodano: 2009-02-02
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