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English Tip

Advertisements have to be accurate. Abstract or weird ads are reserved to well-known marks. You want to be understood by your potential customers.


2 billion euro for Romania

Romania decided to make use of help offered among the others by International Monetary Fund and raised a loan in the amount of 2 billion euro.

American minister of the Treasury wants to buy up from the banks the toxic assets

The American minister Timothy Geithner has already introduced the plan assuming the improvement of banks’ situation.

Nokia is going to dismiss 1700 of employees

Finnish corporation is going to reduce 1700 of workplaces. The situation is a result of permanently decreasing demand.

Closer and closer towards Euro

There is no need to change the constitution in order to implement euro- such statement announced the department of finances which received some expert opinions showing that the amendments to the constitution are completely unnecessary.

G-20 in London

Ministers of finances of the greatest world economical forces known as G-20 group met at the preceding meeting in London.
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