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The government introduces the savings

Polish government passed the resolution related to savings of about 20 billion zlotys. The departments and provinces are supposed to save 10 billion.

Polish government passed the resolution related to savings of about 20 billion zlotys. The departments and provinces are supposed to save 10 billion.
In addition, in Polish Ministry of Defense there appeared the budget hole (the department received 3,3 billion less than it was expected what caused huge debts) and Donald Tusk commanded to the minister of defense to find 1,5 billion of savings.

pass - uchwalić
resolution - uchwała, postanowienie
savings - oszczędności
departament - resort
province - województwo
Ministry of Defense - Ministerstwo Obrony
budget hole - dziura budżetowa
debt - dług

Dodano: 2009-02-09
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