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Wondering How To Make Your Links Popular

Link popularity is the ranking given to your website by the search engines. This determines the page ranking that your website would get when a certain keyword is search from them

Link popularity is the ranking given to your website by the search engines. This determines the page ranking that your website would get when a certain keyword is search from them. In essence this is really the make or break factor of your website.

Search engines employ a very simple formula that determines the popularity of a website. Simple yet very technical since the internet world is so big that they have to have a deciding factor on how to calculate sites with a very good quality. Google revolutionized it and now practically every search engine follows the same process to index their results.

In here the more common your keyword is the harder it will be for you to get a good rank since the competition is big. On the other hand without common keyword you will highly not get popular, so what you need to do is to be popular by using competitive keywords.

The first to be warned of is for you to steer clear of link farms. These are pages that contain tons of different links. Do not ever consider being part of this since it will likely lead to undesired effects, since search engines may discriminate your site from being associated with such.

Second to consider is to the quality of sites that you are linking to. It is very important to consider your market and whether it would be uncomfortable for them to see your links in a particular theme of website. Once you do not follow this it might destroy your business by being associated with cheap sites.

To achieve supreme popularity, you have to learn not just the basics but also how to go into the maze of search engines. Having a good guide can lead you to a very good status, either employ a specialist, review on your own or be a member of a training site that could help you in this field.

The fastest way to get popular is to link your site to a popular directory, such directories are Open Directory Project and Yahoo. Once you have attained directory listings you now have to search for good quality sites to link to. The key here is to find sites that are related to yours. Related means sites that can be useful to your customers and not sites that is your direct competitor. In this you are expanding your market by using your link sites popularity as leverage. Think of being a parasite to other sites popularity.

Since not all sites would want to link, what you need to do is find a search using keywords related to your site. Once you have the results visit the page and find sites that allows linking. Remember to choose high quality and high ranked pages. Here is where your friendly skills can help you. You need to charm your way to those websites that you have chosen, for them to link you.

Your first move is to put their links on your site. This is an essential step since this will show the faith you have for a website, if you could help them achieve higher market, then chances are they will reciprocate to your link and post your links too. To up step your friendly status inform the webmaster of your intentions and that you have linked them. Explain to them how much you believe in their website and how your linking can be beneficial to them. The friendlier you are to them, the easier it will be for your links to be shown on their sites.

Repeat this process over and over with all your prospected sites and give it enough time to reflect if not repeat the messaging process. Check their pages often, if your site is in their links thank them, if not uncheck them from your list and find other ones.

Remember that being popular in search engines is not an easy task to do. It is better if you apply all techniques needed, so research about it and find a good guide. It is sure that it would take time before you will see a good result, nevertheless still check search engines frequently and see if your status is going up. The key here is to exert every effort that you can do. Once you have reach the height of popularity it is sure that your web business profits will reach its height too.

Article Source: Wondering How To Make Your Links Popular


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Dodano: 2008-11-30
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